20 thoughts on “ME-Sen: Allen Airs First Ad”

  1. It does a great job introducing him to anyone who is unfamiliar with him and I think it succeeds in making the election about ideas of change, which is a message Allen can project having opposed the war from the start. Collins is going to be stuck defending her unpopular views in a blue state.

    Allen has been around the 7-15% range of Collins the entire election without running a single ad until now. I think this will help close that margin even further.

  2. But not a bad ad at all. I didn’t realise he hadn’t been advertising which makes me feel a whole lot better about his chances. Not that I had written him off like many others were doing not so long ago.

  3. I wouldn’t spend money on a tapioca ad like this. Allen is down, so he should go negative early and often.  

  4. I think people wrote Allen off too early. This makes his points and he does so in a fairly low key but clear manner. He has told us he is saving his money until people are paying attention. That he is spending it this early suggests that he feels that people have written him off and he needs better polls to raise money. I hope he gets it.

    I have no doubt that he will win the first district but, as a former 2nd district resident, I wonder whether anyone who is so identified with Portland and the South (Massachusetts North as we used to call it) can get the votes from Lewiston, Bangor and Holton.

  5. But kind of dry and you don’t take away much from it just like most standard Democratic ads.

    On the other hand I really like this new Scott Kleeb ad.

    It leaves you with something. Instead of just having the standard script  

    My state is great. Change in Washington. Responsible Iraq Plan so we can have the money (war video).  Tax cuts for Middle Class (I can shake regular people’s hands) I be tough on gas prices (people using oil) and I’ll give you more money! (hard working people). More policy. New direction. My state rocks! I approve this message

    Kleeb’s ad leaves you thinking about what those flashy polices on the screen actually mean. I think it’s very effective.

    How about some equal time for Senate candidates 😉

  6.    The beginning was stupid, but Allen hit most of the right notes.  I’m surprised Allen has pulled Collins under 50% without even going on the air.  That’s impressive.

  7. I think Allen’s first goal should to raise his name recognition. Granted, he represents half the state, but most people that don’t visit political blogs everyday can’t name their current congressperson. I also like the fact that he didn’t mention Collins once in the add. Like it or not, she is still reasonably popular in the state. Its good for him to get his name out there, get the people of Maine to say, hey, you know what, I like those ideas, and then for them to actually put two and two together and realize that he’s running against Collins. Make the public like him, before they have to chose between the two. That way, they’re both known, both liked, and its more about issues, until the Republicans try to spin it some insane way that has no grap of reality. lol

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